Sunday, January 8, 2012

Each thought cannot be taught by a plain talk.

Each longevity, immortality, eternity and serenity are not from lying and sitting around idly on a daily routine. A final standing Buddha who walks away from sitting and meditating for many years receives enlightenment.

A working person is neither sitting nor meditating since each cycle of blood circulation is creating and blessing the field of flowing a constant pure energy.  

There are many way to clog and make the blood stop circulating at pressing, folding and restricting each flow of a normal and regular blood circulation.

Every blood circulation is directional and automatic from left to right in one circle.

In diagram of a tragedy between life and death from an excessive bleeding due to a severe cut of injury.

A walking exercise is helping each blood circulation by further on cleaning and cleansing internal system. 

A biking exercise as a family workout together can show and tell the children for a good blood circulation.

When training a small child to walk is for growing strength in both of their bone and muscle.

Each outdoor exercise has to be supervised by an adult to indicate any unsafe environment including polluted water, crowded beach and unexpected cut if happened at an unattended time without a lifeguard around etc.

Stretching exercise is a peaceful physical movement for helping both blood circulation and normal breathing.

Every now and then within a stressful sedentary work, use both arms stretching that can help to release the tension around the upper body then can relax the brain as well as give an instant rest for the whole body. 

An old age needs more time to walk around from doing a small grocery and running easy errands daily.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Parents should write for the correct definition on behalf of their children.

Each baby shower is a congratulation to a mother-to-be for celebrating in advance of a motherhood. 

A common visit to evaluate a child's general health is always between the physician & two patients including a concerned parent.

A lucky & healthy child is always accompanied by both parents to receive each doctor's evaluation.

It's a great blessing for both parent & child to spend time together.

There is a definite smile for a happy family to stay together.

A child can understand well about the reason of birth from both father & mother because of their love.

There's always a let's get together time in a happy family.

A brighter family with a smarter children for seeing is believing with their own eyes.

Each family activity is so important for a healthy family to share their view of a physical strength & weakness.

Both communication & expression are well taught at home for nurturing a righteous behavior.

Children can learn to understand circumstances that may change the look of a family everywhere.

A working parent can still manage to fulfill each responsibility for a child.

Eating right is taught right at the table with foods & each value.

More precise & exact meaning of diet and healthy foods are explained at the table.

Any TV program can be chosen as a good subject when a family discussion is for guiding children.

By showing & telling the value of having breakfast and meal times are important to live a healthy life.

Breathing, Stretching, Climbing, Running & Walking are many simple exercises that are maintaining a good blood circulation.

Showing & telling outdoors picnic & activity can be safe at a nearby neighborhood's recreation park.

There are still many unknown, unsafe, undiscovered, unusual & unsuitable subjects & substances in the world for each child to navigate through their time of a life journey.  

There are 86400 choices a day, either use them fruitfully & wisely or waste them idly & completely.  

A healthy baby starts from a loving & caring mother who sacrifices her most precious time to feed her own baby with her breast milk.

Unconditionally & universally, any loving & caring mother in the world understands the true health value and a requirement of a mother's breast milk for an infant.  They all will do the same breastfeeding for their new born baby.

The very first trust is between each parent & a child for their best & true communication like a friend.

Every sweet, loving & caring talk over a child's sleep is a blessing of melody like a lullaby.

An older children at night have a freedom of looking into their parent's room & seeking for a goodnight hugs.

Appropriately and thoughtfully, parents will give a goodnight hugs to their young daughter in her bedroom.

A healthy family vacation is the most memorable outdoors activity in a whole lifetime.

Each child's celebration on their birthday is a family affair to understand & remember the day of their birth.

Any events & holidays are the greatest joy for celebrating with children around & on the date with them.

Every chance & challenge are all children's best choice of activities in their adolescence to avoid the consequences of being a delinquent. 

Showing & telling each child of making their own meals can be a part of education & responsibility.

Working & making a living through a safe environment from a family business, an organization in each local community, and any reliable centers like library, hospital, city hall, post office, etc. can empower their future choice of pursuing a good career.

Always stay in good health with a motto of a better health & an excellent health to lead, love & live a safe, prosperous, peaceful, happy & healthy life.

To maintain a good strong & healthy body, one must eat & exercise right to prioritize for each purity in mind, good hygiene & sex hygiene towards both strength and consistency in good health.

A simple instruction is by sharing & caring the right attitude of thoughts & ideas.

A practical happy family is always available for their young ones at all time.

A true physical example of caring & sharing with their children is for a true family quality time.

For every children in the world without boundaries & obstacles mean freedom & independence.

One good knowledge of the main important substance for a human life is blood.  All blood related diseases are transferred into a library of books.

Give a pat on each own shoulder for everything is done for living a safe, prosperous, peaceful, happy & healthy life.  Congrats for reading this far, thank you!